1、also 英#712#596#720ls#601#650 美#712#596#720lso#650adv 而且 此外 也 同样例句It is the work of Ivor RobertsJones, who also produced the statue of。

2、also读音#712#596#720ls#601#650,also是一个常用的英语词汇,用于表示增补附加或补充信息also在发音上,首先发音是长音的 quotawquot sound,类似于quotorquot的音,接着是 quotlquot 的清晰发音,最后音调上升。

3、also的读音英式读音 #712#596#720ls#601#650 美式读音 #712#596lso#650also释义adv 也同样此外而且 also英语释义in additiontoo also近义词either用于否定句,放。

4、also读法是美#712#596lso#650,英#712#596#720ls#601#650,意思是而且also造句1Well,I can say that the temperature change that I#39m looking at is also pretty small好。

5、also 英#712#596ls#601u 美#712#596lsoadv1也, 同样, 并且,此外 副词 adv1也, 同样, 并且,此外 You#39ll have to get a passport, and you#39ll also need a visa你必须申办护照。


6、also的音标是#712#596#720ls#601#650 首先,我们来解析这个音标音标中的每一个符号都代表一个特定的发音在这个音标中,#712 符号表示重音位置,也就是说#712#596#720ls#601#。


7、also ad1 也,亦还 John is also 19 years old约翰也是十九岁2 同样地 Since you#39ve accepted the invitation, I#39ll also accept it既然你已接受邀请,那我也接受邀请conj1 又并且 Also, he has。

8、之后,有时也放在整个谓语前面或放在句首或句尾 较少见,且多半是因为强调之故如I’ve also read the book我也读过这本书This room was also dirtyThis room alsowas dirtyThis room was dirty also。

9、双语例句 1She was not only intelligent but also very musical她不仅聪明,而且极具音乐天分2He not only read the book, but also remembered what he had read他不但读了这本书,而且记得所读的内容3。

10、3用法 1属正式用词,主要用于肯定句或疑问句,一般不用于否定句,它在句中通常放在实义动词之特殊动词之后,有时也放在整个谓语前面或放在句首或句尾如I’ve also read the book我也读过这本书2有。

11、正确的应是can alsocan also意思为也会还能也可以语法also通常用于肯定句中,放在be动词,情态动词或助动词之后,实义动词之前例句When you can drag him away from his work, he can also be a。

12、释义n 教室讲堂书房 用例1This paper introduces the principle functions and composed methods of multimedia network electronic schoolroom, so it is applicable It also introduces the technique and wide。

13、是一个逻辑语言,是指逻辑上表示两者属于缺一不可的关系,还表示意思是一个人和另外一个人之意,与and同义读音and 包含在任何罗马字体中,在现代语文中被频繁使用在当代, 用来替代单词 “And”,在编程语言。

14、发音的英文是pronunciation 1读音 pronunciation 英 pr#601,n#652ns#618#39e#618#643#601n 美 pr#601,n#652ns#618#39e#643#601n2释义 n 发音读法 3短语 rel。

15、可乐cola的读音英 #712k#601#650l#601美 #712ko#650l#601n可乐饮料可乐果树 1I like sweets, jelly and cola我喜欢糖果冻和可乐2I want a cola我要一个可乐。

16、Mainly Furniture 明丽家私 双语例句I mean to myself mainly and then to you also我主要是指提醒我自己,然后也提醒你们Not only have they asked how politics work but mainly, how they should work他们不仅问。